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Slide Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Small but powerful. High-quality range with C-Tech system implants.

Magazine PIP • Practical implantology and implant prosthetics • November 2019

Small but powerful. High-quality range with C-Tech system implants.

Full Smile, under the direction of business owner Lütfü Agic, well-known in the field of dental implantology, advises on a high-quality range with C-Tech system implants, biomaterials such as Bioteck, as well as dental and surgical instruments and tools from devemed. How can such a small unit survive in times of ever greater global players in the field of dentistry and what is the reason for a dentist to look for the partnership, asked pip and talked to Stefan Grümer, M.Sc., who runs together with colleagues a large referral practice on Theaterstrasse in Aachen.

pip: Don’t you kind of lose touch with international developments and trends with such a small partner like Full Smile?
Dr. Grümer: That may well be, regarding these international trends. Here, in the Theaterstraße in Aachen, we are a practice with an impressive range of modern services, especially in the field of restorative and aesthetic dentistry. From 3D diagnostics and computer-based functional diagnostics to laser dentistry, we use state-of-the-art and exceptionally gentle treatment methods that are comfortable for the patient. We are focusing strongly on training programs so that our range of services stays up to date with the latest state of science and research. But we do not have to follow any pseudo innovation. Much more important to us is a certain consistency with our commercial partners, because as well as between us and our patients, the cooperation between us and a medical device manufacturer is a matter of trust. It would bother me to have to adjust to a new contact person every few months, who knows neither me nor my treatment philosophy nor knows what my experiences are and what might actually enrich and interest me. Since 2013 I have been running the first university teaching practice in Germany in cooperation with the RWTH Aachen, an international academy with many foreign and extensive research projects – above all in the field of implantology and laser dentistry. Therefore, we are demanding a certain level of consulting expertise and a portfolio at eye level from our partners.

pip: What impressed you most about the C-Tech Implant System?
Dr. Grümer: As a referral practice we naturally work with different systems. Personally, I especially appreciate the C-Tech Implant System because of its system-related features. It is a fully engineered system that provides different implant diameters and lengths for all common indications – up to special designs such as one-piece mini-implants for narrow spaces, abutments or anchoring of dentures. At C-Tech we experience a very high primary stability and a very easy handling and thus a method which is absolutely suitable for everyday use. Furthermore, the aesthetic demands of our patients have increased significantly. With the EL – Esthetic Line – C-Tech offers a special design for these more demanding challenges. Refinements, like the platform switch, a generous apical threading, the morse taper connection and the concave aesthetic concept create a good stability with excellent shaping of the surrounding tissue. Despite a high prosthetic design freedom, the system is very easy to use, but the prosthetic connection is identical to the other implant diameters of the series. So you can get by with a straightforward instrumentation. I also like a whole new service of Full Smile, which I have never experienced before: As a dentist, I can search for any product via Full Smile and, if I found one, I will only pay the same list price as in the catalogue!

pip: What about service and accessibility – how can such a small company compete with companies that are quite different staffed?
Dr. Grümer: In fact, we sometimes ask ourselves the famous question of how often Mr. Agic has been cloned. He’s really frequently on the move and also visits us regularly to exchange ideas with us or to prepare ourselves for a new technique. However, we always reach someone in the office or receive a callback within a very short time – and also in such a short time our request is accepted, a delivery is initiated or a technical question is answered. In fact, with other companies I sometimes spent a lot more time in some telephone loop with automated speech before I can speak to a human being. With individual consultation, the reliable assurance of the desired delivery times and practical training, Full Smile is a professional partner for us in the field of dental implantology, periodontology and surgery.


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