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Slide Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

EL Clinical Study – April 2015 – Bone stability and aesthetics using an innovative implant design

EL Clinical Study • April 2015

Bone stability and aesthetics using an innovative implant design

Treatment of a 65-year-old patient by DR HENRIETTE LERNER (HL DENTCLINIC), BADEN-BADEN, GERMANY

Implant success today consists of more than just “osseointegration accomplished”. We also have to take into account the aesthetic result. The present clinical case with high aesthetic patient expectations illustrates the treatment of a partially edentulous 65-year-old female patient with grade 2 mobility in all teeth.

The Morse-tapered conical connection has been shown to be the most stable connection available at this time.
There is scientific evidence that micro-movements rather than the size of the microgap are the reason for bone loss. In a Morse-tapered conical connection, the internal line angle between the implant and the connector is less than 0.25 degrees. The microgap is smaller (1.1–1.5 μm) than a bacterium (2–6 μm) [2].
Therefore, this connection is the most stable connection currently known and associated with the lowest incidence of screw loosening (0.37 per cent).

Discussion and conclusion
This case study uses an innovative implantological and prosthetic concept that allows the creation and stabilization of the peri-implant bone and gingival complex. Relevant scores were recorded for up to two years, yielding overall implant success rates near 100 per cent (99.7 per cent).

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本文首次发表于德国OEMUS媒体股份公司《BDIZ EDI konkret》2024年第1期 患有骨软化症患者的完全修复 Dr. Henriette Lerner 即使在牙齿严重受损的情况下,也可以实现具有吸引力的美学功能的修复。这份病例报告展示了如何使用适当的植体和修复材料来实现这一点。 病例介绍 一位38岁的女性患者因希望进行完整的美学和功能康复而来到我们的诊所。患者已经患有骨软化症25年。在了解更多

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