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Slide Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Complete-arch fixed reconstruction by means of guided surgery and immediate loading: a retrospective clinical study on 12 patients with 1 year of follow-up

Henriette Lerner, Uli Hauschild, Robert Sader & Shahram Ghanaati

Guided implant surgery is considered as a safe and minimally invasive flapless procedure. However, flapless guided surgery, implant placement in post-extraction sockets and immediate loading of complete-arch fixed reconstructions without artificial gum are still not throughly evaluated. The aim of the present retrospective clinical study was to document the survival and success of complete-arch fixed reconstructions without artificial gum, obtained by means of guided surgery and immediate loading of implants placed also in fresh extraction sockets.

One hundred ten implants (65 of them post-extractive) were placed flapless through a guided surgery procedure and then immediately loaded by means of provisional fixed full arches. Successful implant stability at placement was achieved in all cases. After a provisionalization period of 6 months, 72 fixed prosthetic restorations were delivered. Only 2 implants failed to osseointegrate and had to be removed, in one patient, giving a 1-year implant survival rate of 98.2% (108/110 surviving implants); 8/12 prostheses did not undergo any failure or complication during the entire follow-up period. At the 1-year follow-up control, soft-tissue was stable in all patients and showed satesfactory aesthetic results.


Within the limits of this study, complete-arch fixed reconstruction by means of guided surgery and immediate loading of implants placed in fresh extraction sockets appears to be a reliable and successful procedure. Further long-term prospective studies on a larger sample of patients are needed to confirm these positive outcomes.

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Complete-arch fixed reconstruction by means of guided surgery and immediate loading: a retrospective clinical study on 12 patients with 1 year of follow-up

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本文首次发表于德国OEMUS媒体股份公司《BDIZ EDI konkret》2024年第1期 患有骨软化症患者的完全修复 Dr. Henriette Lerner 即使在牙齿严重受损的情况下,也可以实现具有吸引力的美学功能的修复。这份病例报告展示了如何使用适当的植体和修复材料来实现这一点。 病例介绍 一位38岁的女性患者因希望进行完整的美学和功能康复而来到我们的诊所。患者已经患有骨软化症25年。在了解更多

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