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Slide Casi clinici

Clinical Case CHI


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Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in SD-MB – Monoblock - Small Diameter, 即刻负荷, 微种植体, 臨床病例

Dr. Enrico Lettera, Italy

视频展示了通过插入C-Tech Implant的四个直径为2.1毫米、高度为13毫米的口内迷你植体来稳定下颌活动义齿的关键步骤。在此之前,为患者制作了上颌和下颌全口义齿,按照最高的精度和质量标准执行。



植体的插入分多个阶段进行:最初的旋转使用特氟龙载体,然后使用蝴蝶螺丝刀进行后续旋转。最后的旋转再次使用载体和扭矩扳手,以验证达到30 Ncm,这是立即加载义齿的必要条件。确保迷你植体尽可能平行放置,以确保咀嚼力的均匀分布至关重要。



Guided Mini Implant surgery – clinical case

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Aldo De Blasi, GS – Guided Surgery, SD-MB – Monoblock - Small Diameter, 导引式植牙, 微种植体, 臨床病例

Dr. Aldo De Blasi, Italy

Conventional mini implant surgery in the edentulous mandible is in most cases, a very quick and minimal invasive procedure. The implants are usually placed trans gingivally and if initial primary stability is achieved then they can be loaded immediately following the surgery.

Mini Implant Guided Surgery, Full edentulous mandible prosthesis stabilized transgingivally in under an hour – clinical case

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Alexandre Minis, GS – Guided Surgery, SD-MB – Monoblock - Small Diameter, 导引式植牙, 微种植体, 臨床病例

Dr. Alexandre Minis, France

Case description
68-year-old man, fully edentulous, smoking patient, lack of medical history.

Surgical dental history:
– maxillary rehabilitation by full implant-supported bridge
– failure of 2 mandibular implant surgeries

Doctor Aldo De Blasi | Mini Dental Implant

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Aldo De Blasi, SD / Small Diameter, SD-MB – Monoblock - Small Diameter, 微种植体, 臨床病例

What are mini implants?
Mini implants are in all respects implants, but with a small diameter, not exceeding 3 mm.
They are produced in a titanium alloy, which is classified as grade 5, and has excellent mechanical properties. They have a sandblasted and etched surface which once inserted into the bone undergoes osseointegration such of that of implants with a larger diameter.

Clinical Case Flapless Technique. SD Small Dental Implant | November 2019 | Dr. Aldo De Blasi

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Aldo De Blasi, SD / Small Diameter, SD-MB – Monoblock - Small Diameter, 微种植体, 臨床病例

We present you a Surgical Clinical Case with Flapless Technique performed by Doctor Aldo De Blasi using SD Mini Implants. You will be able to observe all the steps necessary for the stabilization of the lower prosthesis in the interforaminal region.

Immediate loading of a morse locking conical implant with C-TECH EL; Case report

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in EL / Esthetic Line, EL – Esthetic Line, SD-MB – Monoblock - Small Diameter, 传统种植学, 即刻负荷, 微种植体, 臨床病例

A 55 year old female patient was referred to our office for a full mouth rehabilitation. Upon clinical examination and a CBCT, we have decided to implant 4 EL C-Tech conical Morse tapered connection implants in the upper jaw for a bar retained over denture and due to financial considerations; was to perform extraction of all remaining lower teeth and immediate post extraction implantation of SD C-Tech mini dental implants. A full muco-periosteal flap was released, teeth were extracted, an alveotomy was performed to achieve an optimal bone platform for the SD mini dental implants and to obtain a bigger vertical dimension for the overdenture!

Clinical case of immediate placement of mini dental implants post extraction

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in SD / Small Diameter, SD-MB – Monoblock - Small Diameter, 即刻负荷, 微种植体, 臨床病例

A 58 years old female patient has come to our clinic for lower jaw rehabilitation. After the clinical examination and OPG, We have decided to extract tooth 33, which is the only one remaining. As thepatient has not accepted a big augmentation procedure, we have decided to implant 4 C-Tech SD mini dental implants for retention and stabilization of the lower denture.


Advantages of guided surgery, predictability in small spaces

by Doctor Henriette Lerner, HL-DENTCLINIC DR. STOM. MEDIC. In this case, the patient has a genesis of the two upper lateral incisors. Having created the space with the help of the orthodontic specialist, we first proceed with a Digital Smile Design and then with the digital planning of the two implants in comparison with the new aesthetics.了解更多

Guided surgery in the jaw and mandible

by Doctor Henriette Lerner, HL-DENTCLINIC DR. STOM. MEDIC. In this case, it is necessary to use all the digital tools available – detection of joint movements, digital smile design and guided surgery, with the aim of having predictability and accuracy. For the future aesthetic part and function, the evaluation took place before the surgery.了解更多

Guided surgery with bone graft

by Doctor Henriette Lerner, HL-DENTCLINIC DR. STOM. MEDIC. In this case it is shown how it is still possible to work in guided surgery and consequently perform bone grafts where necessary. The advantage in a difficult case like this is to design the dental implants with a surgical guide, in order to maintain their correct positioning. Finally, the aesthetic project was evaluated prior to surgery.了解更多

Full arch case: immediate implant placement with guided surgery and immediate loading

Catarina G. Rodrigues, DDS, MSc - Manuel D. Marques, DDS A 57-year-old woman presented to a private practice with the chief complaint being “I'm self-conscious about the appearance of my teeth. Also, I’ve lost most of my teeth and I cannot eat well because of that”. The clinical and radiographic examination revealed the absence of all teeth except the central incisors and right lateral incisor in the upper. In the lower, partial edentulism, severe bone loss, and multiple periapical inf了解更多


Catarina G. Rodrigues, DDS, MSc - Manuel D. Marques, DDS 患者男性、30岁。24号、25号和26号牙齿缺失,牙周情况良好、咬合空间尚可。c 治疗计划:24号、26号牙位植入两颗种植体,种植桥修复。 在数字化导板的引导下,植入两颗西泰克美学种植体。 西泰克美学植体、斜肩台加平台转移、保证美学效果,多种螺纹增加初期稳定性。 选择戴入两颗穿龈高度为3的最新的西泰克“ONETIM了解更多

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