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Slide Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Scientific Publications TR

Henriette Lerner

Bu bölüm, başlıca tıp/implantoloji bilimsel dergilerinde yayınlanan makaleleri içerir. Yazarlar, esas olarak implant cerrahisi ve rejeneratif ve rekonstrüktif kemik cerrahisi ile ilgilenen uluslararası üne sahip doktorlardır. İncelenen vakalar, yenilikçi koni Mors bağlantısı sayesinde C-Tech-Implant implantlarının uzun vadeli stabilitesinin altını çiziyor. Monoblok, küçültülmüş çaplı ve mini implantlar gibi tüm implant serilerimizin pratik uygulamaları ve analizleri yer almaktadır. Bu yayınlarla, son teknoloji özel ürünler kullanılarak tedavi edilen gerçek durum vakalarını incelemek mümkündür.

Henriette Lerner

Osteomalazi hastasında tam restorasyon

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, El – Esthetic Line, EL – Esthetic Line, Estetik, Estetik, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, GS – Guided Surgery, Gs – Guided Surgery, Henriette Lerner, Henriette Lerner, Klinik vakalar, MUA, Mua, OMNI, Omni, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇, Tam kemer, Tam kemer

Osteomalazi hastasında tam restorasyon

“BDIZ EDI konkret” 1/2024, OEMUS media AG, Germany

Dr. Henriette Lerner

Complete-arch fixed reconstruction by means of guided surgery and immediate loading: a retrospective clinical study on 12 patients with 1 year of follow-up

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, El – Esthetic Line, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, Gs – Guided Surgery, Henriette Lerner, Nd – Narrow Diameter, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇, Robert Sader, Shahram Ghanaati, Uli Hauschild

Complete-arch fixed reconstruction by means of guided surgery and immediate loading.
A retrospective clinical study on 12 patients with 1 year of follow-up

BMC • January 2020

Henriette Lerner, Uli Hauschild, Robert Sader & Shahram Ghanaati

International Journal of Implant Dentistry – August 2017 – Investigation of peri-implant tissue conditions and peri-implant tissue stability in implants placed with simultaneous augmentation procedure: a 3-year retrospective follow-up analysis of a newly developed bone level implant system

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, Century-Gtr, El – Esthetic Line, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, Henriette Lerner, Kemik Rejenerasyonu, Robert Sader, Shahram Ghanaati

Investigation of peri-implant tissue conditions and peri-implant tissue stability in implants placed with simultaneous augmentation procedure: a 3-year retrospective follow-up analysis of a newly developed bone level implant system

International Journal of Implant Dentistry • August 2017

The aim of the present retrospective analysis was to assess peri-implant tissue conditions and document peri-implant tissue stability in C-Tech implants when placed simultaneously with a GBR (Guided Bone Regeneration) augmentation procedure.

EDI Journal – December 2016 – First report of a two-year retrospective study with a newly developed bone-level implant system Peri-implant health and peri-implant bone stability after immediate implant placement

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, El – Esthetic Line, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, Henriette Lerner, Robert Sader, Shahram Ghanaati

First report of a two-year retrospective study with a newly developed bone-level implant system Peri-implant health and peri-implant bone stability after immediate implant placement

International Journal of Implant Dentistry • December 2016

Dental implants have become a reliable and predictable treatment modality to replace missing teeth and retain dentures in edentulous patients. They can restore the oral health, form, function, mastication, articulation and aesthetics…

Dentista Moderno, Italy – October 2016 – Follow-up after two years to check the health of peri-implant tissues and bone stability of a number of cases with immediate post-extraction insertion of a recently developed bone implant system

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, El – Esthetic Line, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, Henriette Lerner, Robert Sader, Shahram Ghanaati

Follow-up after two years to check the health of peri-implant tissues and bone stability of a number of cases with immediate post-extraction insertion of a recently developed bone implant system

Dentista Moderno, Italy • October 2016

Dental implants have become a reliable and predictable treatment method in dentistry to replace the tooth and prosthesis in case of edentulism.Therefore the oral health, shape, operation, chewing, articulation and aesthetics of the stomatognathic apparatus…

Erste Daten eines neuartigen Implantatsystems – November 2015 – Frankfurt University FORM EL Study Presentation

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, El – Esthetic Line, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, Henriette Lerner, Robert Sader, Shahram Ghanaati

Frankfurt University FORM – EL Study Presentation

Erste Daten eines neuartigen Implantatsystems • November 2015

Immediate implantations have become established as a reliable therapy option in recent years. Taking into account some essential conditions, such as the preservation of the bony alveoli, it is possible to achieve comparable survival rates at a low complication rate…

Innovatives Dental-Implantat-Design – May 2015 – Improved Success Rate, Bone Stability, Esthetic Advantages

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, El – Esthetic Line, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, Henriette Lerner

Improved Success Rate, Bone Stability, Esthetic Advantages

Magazine PIP – Issue:2/2015 • May 2015

Implant success nowadays means more than just the achievement of osseointegration. We must also take into account the esthetic results. The present case study shows the treatment of a partially edentulous 65-year-old female…

Emerging Trends in Oral Health Sciences and Dentistry – 2015 – Narrow Diameter and Mini Dental Implant Overdentures

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, Henriette Lerner, Mi̇ni̇ Implantlar, Sd-Mb – Monoblock - Small Diameter

Narrow Diameter and Mini Dental Implant Overdentures

Emerging Trends in Oral Health Sciences and Dentistry • 2015

Complete dentures are most frequently a challenge for practitioners. Completely edentulous patients, usually elderly, often complain about the functionality of conventional dentures, especially the mandibular ones, claiming their instability, poor retention and discomfort during wear…

Aspects of oral morphology as decision factors in mini-implant supported overdenture – Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology • 2010, 51(2):309–314

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, Henriette Lerner, Mi̇ni̇ Implantlar, Sd-Mb – Monoblock - Small Diameter

Aspects of oral morphology as decision factors in mini-implant supported overdenture

Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embryology • 2010, 51(2):309–314

Complete dentures are most frequently a challenge for practitioners. Completely edentulous patients, usually elderly, often complain about the functionality of conventional dentures, especially the mandibular ones, claiming their instability, poor retention and discomfort during wear…

Erfolgsfaktoren für die Behandlung mit MiniImplantaten und ihre Bedeutung für die Praxis – Praktische Implantologie und Implantatprothetik | pip 4 | 2010

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, Henriette Lerner, Mi̇ni̇ Implantlar, Sd-Mb – Monoblock - Small Diameter

Erfolgsfaktoren für die Behandlung mit MiniImplantaten und ihre Bedeutung für die Praxis

Praktische Implantologie und Implantatprothetik | pip 4 | 2010

Der klinische Erfolg von Mini-Implantaten hängt von verschiedenen Parametern ab, die auch untereinander in Beziehung stehen. In der vorliegenden Studie wurde untersucht, ob eine Korrelation zwischen dem Durchmesser der inserierten Implantate und der Primärstabilität existiert…

EL Clinical Study – April 2015 – Bone stability and aesthetics using an innovative implant design

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, El – Esthetic Line, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, Henriette Lerner

Bone stability and aesthetics using an innovative implant design

EL Clinical Study • April 2015

Implant success today consists of more than just “osseointegration accomplished”. We also have to take into account the aesthetic result. The present clinical case with high aesthetic patient expectations illustrates the treatment of a partially edentulous 65-year-old female patient with grade 2 mobility in all teeth.

EL Clinical Study – February 2015 – How to combine bone stability and aesthetic benefits through innovative implant design Treatment of a 65-year-old patient

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, El – Esthetic Line, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, Henriette Lerner

How to combine bone stability and aesthetic benefits through innovative implant design Treatment of a 65-year-old patient

EL Clinical Study • February 2015

We present a clinical case with extensive aesthetic requirements, illustrating the treatment of a 65-year-old patient with a partial edentular situation with all the teeth having a mobility grade of 2. All the maxillary teeth were extracted and the implants were immediately set.

EL Clinical Study – September 2014 – Innovative dental implant design shows improved success rate, bone stability and esthetic benefits

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, El – Esthetic Line, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, Henriette Lerner

Innovative dental implant design shows improved success rate, bone stability and esthetic benefits

EL Clinical Study • September 2014

A retrospective study over 3 years including 2-year follow-up Henriette Lerner, DMD Director of HL Dentclinic (private practice focussed on implantology). The aim of this research is to retrospectively evaluate an innovative implant and prosthetical design by applying the following criteria…

Implantologie Journal – January 2014 – Mini Dental Implants Used as Strategic Support for the Retention of Partial Dentures

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, Henriette Lerner, Mi̇ni̇ Implantlar, Sd-Mb – Monoblock - Small Diameter

Mini Dental Implants Used as Strategic Support for the Retention of Partial Dentures

Implantologie Journal • January 2014 • Dr. Friedhelm Heinemann, Dr. Christoph Bourauel, Dr. Istabrak Hasan, M.Sc. B.D.S., Dr. Torsten Mundt

Partial dentures supported on natural teeth are a standards in dentistry and are used on a significant percentage in the prosthetic cases in the German population. In the future, with the improvement of dental hygiene in the population there will be less total edentulism but instead there will be an increase in the cases of partial edentulism and consequently there will be an increase in partial bridges.

Implant Practice – February 2009 Volume 2 Number 1 – Minimal invasive implantology with small diameter implants

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, Henriette Lerner, Mi̇ni̇ Implantlar, Sd-Mb – Monoblock - Small Diameter

Minimal invasive implantology with small diameter implants

Implant Practice • February 2009 Volume 2 Number 1 • Dr. Henriette Lerner

The highest target in our profession is the fulfilment of patient wishes. The greatest wish of our patient is always the fast, painless replacement of their missing teeth or stabilisation of the prosthesis …

Bilimsel Yayınlar

Clinical case of total reconstruction in the upper jaw with guided surgery protocol and immediate loading

Clinical case of total reconstruction in the upper jaw with guided surgery protocol and immediate loading Dr. Fabio Lo Meo Introduction Nowadays modern surgical techniques are more and more moving towards simplified and minimally invasive protocols, aimed at offering patients more effective and highly predictable solutions with shorter treatment times. In addition, this approach makes treatments better tolerated, faster, with more comfortable postoperative courses and reduced costs. ImplanDevamını Oku

Complete-arch fixed reconstruction by means of guided surgery and immediate loading: a retrospective clinical study on 12 patients with 1 year of follow-up

Henriette Lerner, Uli Hauschild, Robert Sader & Shahram Ghanaati Abstract Guided implant surgery is considered as a safe and minimally invasive flapless procedure. However, flapless guided surgery, implant placement in post-extraction sockets and immediate loading of complete-arch fixed reconstructions without artificial gum are still not throughly evaluated. The aim of the present retrospective clinical study was to document the survival and success of complete-arch fixed reconstructioDevamını Oku

Dentist Michael Weiland: excellent care is important to me!

Magazine PIP • Practical implantology and implant prosthetics • 08 June 2022 Dentist Michael Weiland: excellent care is important to me! In times of skilled labor bottlenecks and a fundamental lack of staff, the first thing that many lose is the services that were once seen as so essential. But the more a piece of hardware is interchangeable and discount battles want to be avoided, the more a company stands out from the customer with the many free little help. Interview with dentist MichDevamını Oku

Rehabilitation of the jaw by means of immediate implantation and immediate restoration Digital workflow

Magazine PIP • Practical Implantology and Implant Prosthetics • August 2022 | Issue 4' Rehabilitation of the jaw by means of immediate implantation and immediate restoration Digital workflow Catarina G. Rodrigues, DDS, MSc – Manuel D. Marques, DDS - Raquel Bandeira, CDT The success of any complex dental treatment depends on proper diagnostics and treatment planning. Digital treatment planning, prosthetic backward planning and guided implant surgery can help improve success rates and preDevamını Oku

Osteomalazi hastasında tam restorasyon

"BDIZ EDI konkret" 1/2024, OEMUS media AG, Germany Osteomalazi hastasında tam restorasyon Dr. Henriette Lerner Ağır şekilde bozulmuş bir diş yapısında bile, çekici estetik ile fonksiyonel restorasyon başarılabilir. Bu vaka raporu, uygun implantlar ve restorasyon malzemeleri kullanılarak bunun nasıl mümkün olduğunu göstermektedir. 38 yaşındaki bir kadın hasta, tam estetik ve fonksiyonel rehabilitasyon talebiyle kliniğimize başvurdu. Hasta 25 yıldır osteomalazi hastDevamını Oku

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