Dental World | 18-16.10.2025
Dental World | 18-16.10.2025 | Budapest, Hungary
Lecturers:Dr. Jason Smithson, Dr. Ghassan Yared, Dr. Alberto Salgado, Dr. Robert ‘Tito’ Norris, Dr. Adrian Lussi
Dental World | 18-16.10.2025 | Budapest, Hungary
Lecturers:Dr. Jason Smithson, Dr. Ghassan Yared, Dr. Alberto Salgado, Dr. Robert ‘Tito’ Norris, Dr. Adrian Lussi
UPGRADE Congress | UPGRADE Congress | 21-22 March 2025 | Budapest, Hungary
Lecturers: Dr. Maciej Zarow, Dr. Mustafa Al-Qassab, Dr. Götz Gergely, Dr. Bodrogi Attila, Dr. Gerlóczy Pál, Dr. Pedro Moura, Prof. Bulent Kurtis, Dr. Bartha Ferenc, Dr. Mandel Iván, Dr. Molnár Bálint, Dr. Borbély Péter, Dr. Nagy Zsolt, Dr. Bajusz Örs, Dr. Yosef Markosz, Dr. Nagy Árpád, Székelyhidi Éva, Dr. Tihanyi Dóra, Mester Emese, Vas Henriett, Vas Henriett
Dental World | 10-12 October 2024
For more than two decades now, the leading players in dentistry have been meeting in Budapest for the Dental World at Hungexpo, in order to gain knowledge, experience and expertise. Congress participants and international experts from 50+ countries from all over the world, with a special focus on the Central-Eastern European countries, will be able to attend 5 international congresses.
Exhibition: Semmelweis Spring Dental Days | 23-25 May 2024
C-Tech is glad to invite you to the ‘Semmelweis Spring Dental Days’ in Budapest on 23-25 May 2024; main topics: Implantology, Ortho, Esthetics, Endo, Prevention.
Expodental Rimini è la fiera internazionale dell’odontoiatria e della tecnologia dentale, organizzata ogni anno da UNIDI. L’evento si pone come punto di riferimento per il settore dentale in Italia e nel mondo, un luogo dove scoprire le ultime novità di settore, assistere a dimostrazioni pratiche e partecipare a eventi scientifici. Expodental è anche una preziosa occasione di incontro e di scambio di know-how tra aziende, buyer e operatori del dentale. Non perdere questa opportunità e vienici a trovare al nostro stand: Pad. A3 Corsia 1 Stand 13
UPGRADE Congress | 19-20 April 2024
IDEM Singapore is a biennially held three-day B2B trade fair and convention for the dental industry. Helmed as ‘The Leading Dental Exhibition and Conference in Asia-Pacific’, the conference brings in world-class speakers in general dentistry, while the exhibition is the largest dental B2B trade fair in such Region. Riding on its continuous success since 2000, IDEM will enter its 13th edition in 2024 and maintains its position as a leading trade and continuing education platform in the area.
Don’t miss this opportunity and become our partner in your country! GET TO KNOW US: Hall ‘E’ Booth G02
The fascinating journey of AEEDC Dubai over the last three decades started with modest humble beginnings, and today reached a pinnacle of success. The UAE International Dental Conference and Arab Dental Exhibition has rightfully earned the highest global distinction of becoming ‘The Largest Annual Scientific Dental Conference and Exhibition in the World’.
Don’t miss this opportunity and become our partner in your country! GET TO KNOW US: Booth 4D18
12-14 October 2023 | Dental World Conference 2023 | Budapest
Esthetics, Implantology, Endo, Digital, Orthodontics
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Mutlu Özcan, Dr. Mile Churlinov, Dr. Francesco Amato, Dr. Federico Migliori, Dr. Roberto Turrini
18-20 May 2023 | HUNGARODENT Conference, Prosthodontics, Endodontics, Conservative dentistry | Budapest
Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Hermann Péter, Dr. Tóth Zsuzsanna
24-25 March 2023 | UPGRADE Conference 2023 | Budapest
Implantology, Aesthetics, Endo, Digital, Orthodontics, Prevention
Lecturers: Dr. András Volom, Dr. Gergely Benyőcs, Dr. Dumitru Muntean, Dr. Ildikó Takács,Dr. Michał Ganowicz, Dr. Márk Fráter, Dr. Zsolt Döbrentey, Dr. Péter Farkas Dr. Zoltán Baktai, Dr. Mária Gurzó, Dr. Márton Zsoldos, Dr. András Jakab, Dr. Bence Maurer-Morvai, Dr. Márk Antal
IDS is the leading global trade fair for the dental community, which ensures sustainable success as a platform for innovation and market trends.
Discover the dental future here in Cologne from 14-18 march 2023.
Don’t miss this opportunity and become our partner in your country! GET TO KNOW US : Halle 4.1, stand B009
AEEDC Dubai has rightfully earned the highest global distinction of becoming ‘The Largest Annual Scientific Dental Conference & Exhibition in the World’.
Don’t miss this opportunity and become our partner in your country! GET TO KNOW US : Booth No 4G04