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Klinik vakalar

Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇

Bu bölümde C-Tech implantlarıyla tamamlanan başarılı klinik vakalar yer almaktadır; her vaka; metin içeriği, vakayı belgeleyen resimlerin kalitesi ve genel klinik sonuç açısından bir kontrol ve seçim sürecinden geçmektedir.

Bu yöntemin amacı kullanıcılara, diş hekimlerimizin uzmanlıkları ve ürünlerimizin kalitesiyle üstesinden geldikleri zorlu klinik durumlara yönelik okuması kolay çözümler sunmak.

C-Tech implantlarını kullanan bir doktor musunuz? Vaka çalışmanızı göndermek ve hak ettiği görünürlüğe kavuşmasını sağlamak son derece kolay: Yerel distribütörünüzle iletişime geçin ve gözden geçirmesi için kendisine tüm resimleri ve metni gönderin

Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇

Ekstraksiyon Sonrası Üst Maksiller Kılavuzlu Cerrahi

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)GS – Guided Surgery, Klinik vakalar, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇

Ekstraksiyon Sonrası Üst Maksiller Kılavuzlu Cerrahi

Dr.Gianfranco Tacconelli – Palermo, İtalya

Vaka açıklaması: maksillada 5 implant ve 26 nolu dişte ekstraksiyon sonrası kök ossifikasyonu. Geleneksel implant cerrahisine karşı aşırı isteksiz olan hasta. İlk başarı, hastayı önceki vakaların dokümantasyonu ile rehberli cerrahiye ikna etmekti.

Webinar | C-Tech Guided Surgery and Prosthetic Solutions: from Posterior to the Esthetic Zone

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Catarina G. Rodrigues, CENTURY-GTR, DUAL CHANNEL, EL – Esthetic Line, Estetik, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, GS – Guided Surgery, Kemik Rejenerasyonu, Klinik vakalar, Manuel D. Marques, MUA, OMNI, ONE TIME Clever Concept, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇

Webinar | C-Tech Guided Surgery and Prosthetic Solutions: from Posterior to the Esthetic Zone

Dr. Catarina G. Rodrigues, DDS, MSc • Dr. Manuel D. Marques, DDS

In this webinar, doctors Catarina G. Rodrigues and Manuel D. Marques will talk about some clinical cases, highlighting the different prosthetic solutions of the C-Tech system.

Guided Mini Implant surgery – clinical case

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Aldo De Blasi, GS – Guided Surgery, Klinik vakalar, Mi̇ni̇ Implantlar, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇, SD-MB – Monoblock - Small Diameter

Guided Mini Implant surgery – clinical case

Dr. Aldo De Blasi, Italy

Conventional mini implant surgery in the edentulous mandible is in most cases, a very quick and minimal invasive procedure. The implants are usually placed trans gingivally and if initial primary stability is achieved then they can be loaded immediately following the surgery.

Insertion of two EL implants on the upper jaw in guided surgery with immediate loading

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Anında yükleme, EL – Esthetic Line, GS – Guided Surgery, Klinik vakalar, Luigi Ciacci, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇

Insertion of two EL implants on the upper jaw in guided surgery with immediate loading

Dr. Luigi Ciacci, Odt. Andrea Sessa

Modern dentistry depends on comprehensive diagnostics and careful planning to achieve the desired result and meet the expectations of both the patient and the dentist.
Digital planning and guided surgery based on three-dimensional X-ray data and digitized intraoral recording are of great help.

Guided Implant on a Tricky Crest – clinical case

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Alexandre Minis, EL – Esthetic Line, GS – Guided Surgery, Klinik vakalar, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇

Guided Implant on a Tricky Crest – clinical case

Dott. Alexandre Minis, France

Patient is a 56 years old male without a previous medical history. Tooth # 36 has been missing for several year. Despite a satisfactory bone height on the panoramic, the CBCT reveals a thin bone at the level of the crest which does not allow the available height to be exploited.

Guided Implant Placement with Buccal Exposure and Graft – clinical case

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Alexandre Minis, CENTURY-GTR, GS – Guided Surgery, Kemik Rejenerasyonu, Klinik vakalar, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇

Guided Implant Placement with Buccal Exposure and Graft – clinical case

Dr. Alexandre Minis, France

The 55 years old female patient has a lack of prior medical history and is a non-smoker. There is a fracture under the crown of #12 with infection and vestibular fistula for which a temporary extraction with a valplast for 3 months is performed.

Mini Implant Guided Surgery, Full edentulous mandible prosthesis stabilized transgingivally in under an hour – clinical case

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Alexandre Minis, GS – Guided Surgery, Klinik vakalar, Mi̇ni̇ Implantlar, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇, SD-MB – Monoblock - Small Diameter

Mini Implant Guided Surgery, Full edentulous mandible prosthesis stabilized transgingivally in under an hour – clinical case

Dr. Alexandre Minis, France

Limited quantity of mandibular bone, in fact the mandibular nerve runs along the edge of the bony crest from the mental foramen. It was impossible to place posteriorly without a complex graft with displacement of the mandibular nerve.

Doctor Luigi Ciacci | COVID-19 GuideLines | Guided Surgery

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)GS – Guided Surgery, Klinik vakalar, Luigi Ciacci, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇

COVID-19 GuideLines | Guided Surgery

Doctor Luigi Ciacci

We dentists have an advantage, that is our hygiene protocols are adequate and safe; the only real news is this bad virus, Covid-19. We have thus equipped ourselves with systems for air sanitization and aerosol control.

Osteomalazi hastasında tam restorasyon

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)Bilimsel Yayınlar, El – Esthetic Line, EL – Esthetic Line, Estetik, Estetik, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, Geleneksel İmplantoloji̇, GS – Guided Surgery, Gs – Guided Surgery, Henriette Lerner, Henriette Lerner, Klinik vakalar, MUA, Mua, OMNI, Omni, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇, Tam kemer, Tam kemer

Osteomalazi hastasında tam restorasyon

“BDIZ EDI konkret” 1/2024, OEMUS media AG, Germany

Dr. Henriette Lerner

Webinar | Contemporary Digital Implant Dentistry with C-Tech Implant | C-GUIDE

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)GS – Guided Surgery, Henriette Lerner, Klinik vakalar, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇

Webinar | Contemporary Digital Implant Dentistry with C-Tech Implant | C-GUIDE

by Doctor Henriette Lerner, HL-DENTCLINIC DR. STOM. MEDIC.

In this webinar Doctor Henriette Lerner talks about the advantages of the guided surgery, the parameters of aesthetics in implantology and their application in the digital workflow.

Guided Surgery Webinar | Digital implant planning: workflow and suggestions for the best results in guided surgery

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)GS – Guided Surgery, Klinik vakalar, Luigi Ciacci, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇

Guided Surgery Webinar | Digital implant planning: workflow and suggestions for the best results in guided surgery

by Dr. Luigi Ciacci, Dentist, expert in guided surgery, ODT Andrea Sessa

When it comes to digital implant planning, the questions to ask are the following: what is the workflow used by the guided surgery experts, what are the tricks and tips for obtaining the best results, how can mistakes be reduced or avoided?

Extraction of endodontically failed pre-molar and immediate placement of a C-Tech Esthetic Line implant utilising a Guided Surgery Technique – a Case Report

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)EL / Esthetic Line, EL – Esthetic Line, Fabrizia Luongo, GS – Guided Surgery, Klinik vakalar, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇

Extraction of endodontically failed pre-molar and immediate placement of a C-Tech Esthetic Line implant utilising a Guided Surgery Technique

Dr. Fabrizia Luongo

The use of Cone Beam Computerised Tomography (CBCT) scanning is becoming more commonplace in today’s implant dentistry.

Placing a C-Tech Esthetic Line Implant Utilising a Navigated Surgery Approach – A Case Report

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)EL / Esthetic Line, EL – Esthetic Line, Fabrizia Luongo, GS – Guided Surgery, Klinik vakalar, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇

Placing a C-Tech Esthetic Line Implant Utilising a Navigated Surgery Approach

Dr. Fabrizia Luongo

There has been a considerable evolution in implant dentistry over recent years that has seen the design of dental implants adopt sophisticated thread profiles which leads to a better primary stability.

Clinical Case of Guided Surgery | September 2019 | Dr. Marco Cernicchi, Smile Center Italia srl

Ekleyen: feRKzzCTo0 Ekleme Tarihi: . Eklenen Kategori(ler)GS – Guided Surgery, Klinik vakalar, MUA, Rehberli̇k Edi̇len Cerrahi̇

Clinical case of guided surgery by Doctor Marco Cernicchi. From computer design and model creation to the operation on the patient.

Dr. Marco Cernicchi, Smile Center Italia srl

After developing our model, it is acquired by means of a structured-light scanner. Once the master model has been acquired, the virtual processing starts with Exocad. When the 3D virtual model is obtained, the tooth library to be used on the model is selected and the virtual design phase starts.

Klinik vakalar

Advantages of guided surgery, predictability in small spaces

by Doctor Henriette Lerner, HL-DENTCLINIC DR. STOM. MEDIC. In this case, the patient has a genesis of the two upper lateral incisors. Having created the space with the help of the orthodontic specialist, we first proceed with a Digital Smile Design and then with the digital planning of the two implants in comparison with the new aesthetics.Devamını Oku

Guided surgery in the jaw and mandible

by Doctor Henriette Lerner, HL-DENTCLINIC DR. STOM. MEDIC. In this case, it is necessary to use all the digital tools available – detection of joint movements, digital smile design and guided surgery, with the aim of having predictability and accuracy. For the future aesthetic part and function, the evaluation took place before the surgery.Devamını Oku

Guided surgery with bone graft

by Doctor Henriette Lerner, HL-DENTCLINIC DR. STOM. MEDIC. In this case it is shown how it is still possible to work in guided surgery and consequently perform bone grafts where necessary. The advantage in a difficult case like this is to design the dental implants with a surgical guide, in order to maintain their correct positioning. Finally, the aesthetic project was evaluated prior to surgery.Devamını Oku

Full arch case: immediate implant placement with guided surgery and immediate loading

Catarina G. Rodrigues, DDS, MSc - Manuel D. Marques, DDS A 57-year-old woman presented to a private practice with the chief complaint being “I'm self-conscious about the appearance of my teeth. Also, I’ve lost most of my teeth and I cannot eat well because of that”. The clinical and radiographic examination revealed the absence of all teeth except the central incisors and right lateral incisor in the upper. In the lower, partial edentulism, severe bone loss, and multiple periapical infDevamını Oku

3-unit Bridge over Implants using Guided Surgery and One Time Concept

Catarina G. Rodrigues, DDS, MSc - Manuel D. Marques, DDS A 30-year-old man presented to a private practice with the chief complaint being “I want to replace the teeth that are missing on my upper jaw”. The clinical and radiographic examination revealed the absence of teeth #24, #25, and #26 (Fig. 2,3). Following a proper diagnosis, the treatment plan proposed was the placement of two implants, followed by the placement of immediate final abutments at the same time of the surgery (One TimDevamını Oku

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