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Clinical Case SRB

клинички случајеви

Овај одјељак садржи успјешне клиничке случајеве са имплантатима компаније C-Tech; сваки случај пролази поступак провјере и одабира везан за садржај текста, квалитет слика за документовање случаја и укупног клиничког исхода.

Ова метода циља пружити корисницима рјешења за изазовне клиничке ситуације која су лако читљива, надвладана стручношћу наших стоматолога и квалитетом наших производа.

Јесте ли ви љекар који користи имплантате компаније C-Tech? Своју студију случаја можете лако послати и дати јој видљивост коју заслужује: контактирајте свог локалног дистрибутера и пошаљите му/јој све слике и текст на ревизију

Клинички случајеви

Webinar | EL Esthetic Line: What are the ingredients of a great implant?

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in EL – Esthetic Line, Henriette Lerner, Клинички случајеви, Конвенционална Имплантологија

Watch Dr Henriette Lerner explaining all the features of a successful and qualitative implant.

I saw you have breathing plant systems in the pipeline and you learn a lot of systems, and probably you already have in your mind some main features that the implants need to have.
In order to make your treatment easier and more predictable in your procedures.
You probably already know that an implant has to have a high bone implant contact surface and the designs of the implants are all made in a way that increases this surface, because this is giving you a long-term stability of the surface of the osteointegration.

Guided Mini Implant surgery – clinical case

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Aldo De Blasi, GS – Guided Surgery, SD-MB – Monoblock - Small Diameter, Вођена Хирургија, Клинички случајеви, Мини Импланти

Dr. Aldo De Blasi, Italy

Conventional mini implant surgery in the edentulous mandible is in most cases, a very quick and minimal invasive procedure. The implants are usually placed trans gingivally and if initial primary stability is achieved then they can be loaded immediately following the surgery.

Insertion of two EL implants on the upper jaw in guided surgery with immediate loading

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in EL – Esthetic Line, GS – Guided Surgery, Luigi Ciacci, Вођена Хирургија, Клинички случајеви

Dr. Luigi Ciacci, Odt. Andrea Sessa

Modern dentistry depends on comprehensive diagnostics and careful planning to achieve the desired result and meet the expectations of both the patient and the dentist.
Digital planning and guided surgery based on three-dimensional X-ray data and digitized intraoral recording are of great help. They provide valuable information and allow for accurate backward planning to optimize the implant-prosthetic outcome, making the restoration more predictable in terms of function, aesthetics and biology.

Guided Implant on a Tricky Crest – clinical case

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Alexandre Minis, EL – Esthetic Line, GS – Guided Surgery, Вођена Хирургија, Клинички случајеви

Dott. Alexandre Minis, France

Patient is a 56 years old male without a previous medical history. Tooth # 36 has been missing for several year.
Despite a satisfactory bone height on the panoramic, the CBCT reveals a thin bone at the level of the crest which does not allow the available height to be exploited.
In order to obtain an ideal prosthetic axis and to use the available bone to the maximum, the surgery is performed using a surgical guide, design on 3Shape Implant Studio, a classic dentition supported guide, 3D printed on a Phrozen Shuffle printer.

Guided Implant Placement with Buccal Exposure and Graft – clinical case

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Alexandre Minis, CENTURY-GTR, GS – Guided Surgery, Вођена Хирургија, Клинички случајеви, Регенерација Костију

Dott. Alexandre Minis, France

Case description:
The 55 years old female patient has a lack of prior medical history and is a non-smoker.
There is a fracture under the crown of #12 with infection and vestibular fistula for which a temporary extraction with a valplast for 3 months is performed.
On the control CBCT, low bone volume and evidence of a radiolucent vestibular image initially suggesting fenestration linked to the fistula present before the extraction, or, of the bone being formed.

Surgical dental history:
The surgery is performed using a surgical guide, designed on 3Shape Implant Studio, dentition supported guide 3D printed on a Phrozen Shuffle printer.

Mini Implant Guided Surgery, Full edentulous mandible prosthesis stabilized transgingivally in under an hour – clinical case

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Alexandre Minis, GS – Guided Surgery, SD-MB – Monoblock - Small Diameter, Вођена Хирургија, Клинички случајеви, Мини Импланти

Dr. Alexandre Minis, France

Case description
68-year-old man, fully edentulous, smoking patient, lack of medical history.

Surgical dental history:
– maxillary rehabilitation by full implant-supported bridge
– failure of 2 mandibular implant surgeries

Doctor Aldo De Blasi – COVID-19 Guidelines

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Aldo De Blasi, Клинички случајеви, Конвенционална Имплантологија

In which ways has Covid-19 affected implantology?
Covid-19 has influenced and will affect both the private and working lives of many of us. From a working point of view, we have to develop new protocols for patient management, disinfection and operator protection.
For what concern implantology, it is not clear how much it will affect this type of treatment offered to our patients.

Doctor Aldo De Blasi | Mini Dental Implant

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Aldo De Blasi, SD / Small Diameter, SD-MB – Monoblock - Small Diameter, Клинички случајеви, Мини Импланти

What are mini implants?
Mini implants are in all respects implants, but with a small diameter, not exceeding 3 mm.
They are produced in a titanium alloy, which is classified as grade 5, and has excellent mechanical properties. They have a sandblasted and etched surface which once inserted into the bone undergoes osseointegration such of that of implants with a larger diameter.

Doctor Henriette Lerner | COVID-19 Guidelines

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Henriette Lerner, Клинички случајеви, Конвенционална Имплантологија

How dentistry and implantology has changed in your office in phase 2?
There is no phase 1 or phase 2, there is a behavior and approach which we’ll respect in the office in the couple of years coming. Let’s start with the scheduling of the appointment of the patient: the receptionist is asking the patient about sicknesses, illnesses, cough, fever, smell alterations. The same questions she will ask 24 hours before the scheduled appointment when she calls all the patient for the next day.

Doctor Luigi Ciacci | COVID-19 GuideLines | Guided Surgery

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in GS – Guided Surgery, Luigi Ciacci, Вођена Хирургија, Клинички случајеви

In which ways has Covid-19 affected implantology?
We dentists have an advantage, that is our hygiene protocols are adequate and safe; the only real news is this bad virus, Covid-19. We have thus equipped ourselves with systems for air sanitization and aerosol control.

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