Single tooth rehabilitation with Minimplants in confined spaces | Free Webinar
28 october / 6 pm (Colombia) 2020 | Free Webinar | 2 hours
Redencol S.A.S and C-TECH Implant, invites you to participate in the webinar, where we will teach you a system of Minimplants as a definitive alternative for the patient.
Single tooth rehabilitation with Minimplants in confined spaces. Load criteria and prosthetic protocol.
Introduction to the course
The reduced diameter implant system will allow you to provide your patient with a prosthetic alternative, especially when space and bone thickness are very limited. Overdenture implants allow the totally edentulous patient to significantly improve their quality of life. This revolutionary double thread, unique in its nature, allows for ease of insertion and optimal primary stability. This advantage simplifies the work of the oral surgeon and considerably reduces insertion time. The thread has a particular 90 ° beveled profile, whose shape, angle and depth have been specifically conceived to increase the contact surface with the bone. It reduces the invasive process and at the same time improves osseointegration.
Purpose of the event
The aim of the event is to introduce as many dentists as possible the C-TECH Minimplant system.
Language of the Course
Dr. Karem Paola Torres
– Dentist from the Javeriana University.
– Postgraduate in Management and Audit of Quality in Health from the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University.
– V Symposium on Osseointegration
– Colombian Academy of Osseointegration, Esparza Enclosed.- XI Latin American Symposium on Oral Implantology
– BIOMET 3I Colombia.
– Certified by C-TECH, Sterngold and Redencol S.A.S. for surgical procedures and rehabilitation on implants.
– Certified by 3M and Redencol S.A.S. in Mini Dental Implants.
– Scientific director and quality auditor, prosthodontic clinical care, private practice, Oral Clinik Comprehensive Dentistry.
Cost and subsctiption method:
Whatsapp (+57) 3124813317
Skype (031) 3101959