Insertion of six EL implants in guided surgery
Dr. Alexandre Minis, France
The patient is a 52-year-old male with no medical history.
Chronic periodontitis is stabilized.
Former smoker who quit following periodontal treatment.
Teeth 26, 16 and 17 were extracted. Considering that the available bone height was low, a bilateral sinus lift was performed by lateral approach.
4 months later an implant surgery to place 6 EL implants will be performed.
To obtain an ideal prosthetic axis and to use the available bone to the maximum, the surgery is performed using a surgical guide, designed on 3Shape Implant Studio and 3D printed on a Phrozen Sonic Mini 4k printer.
The selected implants are all placed very slightly below the crestal:
• 3/11 in 16
• 3/9 in 15
• 3,8/9 in 14
• 3/9 in 24
• 3/9 in 25
• 3/9 in 26
The bone is less dense than expected, so the surgery will be carried out guided only for the pilot drill step and the rest is freehand. However, we obtain sufficient stability on all implants.
We will keep the implants covered for 3 months and we will not use healing abutments because the patient, although treated, presents a periodontal risk.
The patient was seen after 10 days to remove the stitches: good gingival healing, he had no pain.