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Advantages of guided surgery, predictability in small spaces

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in EL – Esthetic Line, GS – Guided Surgery, Henriette Lerner, Клинические случаи, Направленная Хирургия

by Doctor Henriette Lerner, HL-DENTCLINIC DR. STOM. MEDIC.

In this case, the patient has a genesis of the two upper lateral incisors.
Having created the space with the help of the orthodontic specialist, we first proceed with a Digital Smile Design and then with the digital planning of the two implants in comparison with the new aesthetics.

Guided surgery in the jaw and mandible

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in EL – Esthetic Line, GS – Guided Surgery, Henriette Lerner, Клинические случаи, Направленная Хирургия

by Doctor Henriette Lerner, HL-DENTCLINIC DR. STOM. MEDIC.

In this case, it is necessary to use all the digital tools available – detection of joint movements, digital smile design and guided surgery, with the aim of having predictability and accuracy. For the future aesthetic part and function, the evaluation took place before the surgery.

Guided surgery with bone graft

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in EL – Esthetic Line, GS – Guided Surgery, Henriette Lerner, Клинические случаи, Направленная Хирургия

by Doctor Henriette Lerner, HL-DENTCLINIC DR. STOM. MEDIC.

In this case it is shown how it is still possible to work in guided surgery and consequently perform bone grafts where necessary.
The advantage in a difficult case like this is to design the dental implants with a surgical guide, in order to maintain their correct positioning.
Finally, the aesthetic project was evaluated prior to surgery.

Full arch case: immediate implant placement with guided surgery and immediate loading

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Catarina G. Rodrigues, GS – Guided Surgery, Manuel D. Marques, MUA, Клинические случаи, Направленная Хирургия

Catarina G. Rodrigues, DDS, MSc — Manuel D. Marques, DDS

A 57-year-old woman presented to a private practice with the chief complaint being “I’m self-conscious about the appearance of my teeth. Also, I’ve lost most of my teeth and I cannot eat well because of that”. The clinical and radiographic examination revealed the absence of all teeth except the central incisors and right lateral incisor in the upper. In the lower, partial edentulism, severe bone loss, and multiple periapical infections were diagnosed. Also, the patient’s function and aesthetics were seriously compromised (Fig 1-11).

3-unit Bridge over Implants using Guided Surgery and One Time Concept

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Catarina G. Rodrigues, GS – Guided Surgery, Manuel D. Marques, MUA, ONE TIME Clever Concept, Клинические случаи, Направленная Хирургия, Традиционная Имплантология

Catarina G. Rodrigues, DDS, MSc — Manuel D. Marques, DDS

A 30-year-old man presented to a private practice with the chief complaint being “I want to replace the teeth that are missing on my upper jaw”. The clinical and radiographic examination revealed the absence of teeth #24, #25, and #26 (Fig. 2,3). Following a proper diagnosis, the treatment plan proposed was the placement of two implants, followed by the placement of immediate final abutments at the same time of the surgery (One Time Clever Concept, C-Tech Implant). The planned final prosthesis consisted of a 3-unit bridge over implants.

Full arch rehabilitation: Digital guided surgery for upper loading and analogic in lower

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Catarina G. Rodrigues, GS – Guided Surgery, Manuel D. Marques, MUA, Клинические случаи, Направленная Хирургия

Catarina G. Rodrigues, DDS, MSc  — Manuel D. Marques, DDS

A 74-year-old woman presented to a private practice with the chief complaint being that she did not want to use dentures anymore and have more comfort and better appearance. The clinical and radiographic examination revealed the absence of all teeth except the two upper canines (Fig 1-4).

Insertion of six EL implants in guided surgery

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Alexandre Minis, EL – Esthetic Line, GS – Guided Surgery, Клинические случаи, Направленная Хирургия

Dr. Alexandre Minis, France

The patient is a 52-year-old male with no medical history.
Chronic periodontitis is stabilized.
Former smoker who quit following periodontal treatment.
Teeth 26, 16 and 17 were extracted. Considering that the available bone height was low, a bilateral sinus lift was performed by lateral approach.

Guided Mini Implant surgery – clinical case

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Aldo De Blasi, GS – Guided Surgery, SD-MB – Monoblock - Small Diameter, Клинические случаи, Мини-Импланты, Направленная Хирургия

Dr. Aldo De Blasi, Italy

Conventional mini implant surgery in the edentulous mandible is in most cases, a very quick and minimal invasive procedure. The implants are usually placed trans gingivally and if initial primary stability is achieved then they can be loaded immediately following the surgery.

Insertion of two EL implants on the upper jaw in guided surgery with immediate loading

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in EL – Esthetic Line, GS – Guided Surgery, Luigi Ciacci, Клинические случаи, Направленная Хирургия

Dr. Luigi Ciacci, Odt. Andrea Sessa

Modern dentistry depends on comprehensive diagnostics and careful planning to achieve the desired result and meet the expectations of both the patient and the dentist.
Digital planning and guided surgery based on three-dimensional X-ray data and digitized intraoral recording are of great help. They provide valuable information and allow for accurate backward planning to optimize the implant-prosthetic outcome, making the restoration more predictable in terms of function, aesthetics and biology.

Guided Implant on a Tricky Crest – clinical case

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Alexandre Minis, EL – Esthetic Line, GS – Guided Surgery, Клинические случаи, Направленная Хирургия

Dott. Alexandre Minis, France

Patient is a 56 years old male without a previous medical history. Tooth # 36 has been missing for several year.
Despite a satisfactory bone height on the panoramic, the CBCT reveals a thin bone at the level of the crest which does not allow the available height to be exploited.
In order to obtain an ideal prosthetic axis and to use the available bone to the maximum, the surgery is performed using a surgical guide, design on 3Shape Implant Studio, a classic dentition supported guide, 3D printed on a Phrozen Shuffle printer.

Guided Implant Placement with Buccal Exposure and Graft – clinical case

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Alexandre Minis, CENTURY-GTR, GS – Guided Surgery, Клинические случаи, Направленная Хирургия, Регенерация Кости

Dott. Alexandre Minis, France

Case description:
The 55 years old female patient has a lack of prior medical history and is a non-smoker.
There is a fracture under the crown of #12 with infection and vestibular fistula for which a temporary extraction with a valplast for 3 months is performed.
On the control CBCT, low bone volume and evidence of a radiolucent vestibular image initially suggesting fenestration linked to the fistula present before the extraction, or, of the bone being formed.

Surgical dental history:
The surgery is performed using a surgical guide, designed on 3Shape Implant Studio, dentition supported guide 3D printed on a Phrozen Shuffle printer.

Mini Implant Guided Surgery, Full edentulous mandible prosthesis stabilized transgingivally in under an hour – clinical case

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Alexandre Minis, GS – Guided Surgery, SD-MB – Monoblock - Small Diameter, Клинические случаи, Мини-Импланты, Направленная Хирургия

Dr. Alexandre Minis, France

Case description
68-year-old man, fully edentulous, smoking patient, lack of medical history.

Surgical dental history:
— maxillary rehabilitation by full implant-supported bridge
— failure of 2 mandibular implant surgeries

Doctor Luigi Ciacci | COVID-19 GuideLines | Guided Surgery

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in GS – Guided Surgery, Luigi Ciacci, Клинические случаи, Направленная Хирургия

In which ways has Covid-19 affected implantology?
We dentists have an advantage, that is our hygiene protocols are adequate and safe; the only real news is this bad virus, Covid-19. We have thus equipped ourselves with systems for air sanitization and aerosol control.

Clinical case of total reconstruction in the upper jaw with guided surgery protocol and immediate loading

Written by feRKzzCTo0 on . Posted in Fabio Lo Meo, Gs – Guided Surgery, Scientific Publications, Направленная Хирургия

Clinical case of total reconstruction in the upper jaw with guided surgery protocol and immediate loading

Dr. Fabio Lo Meo

Nowadays modern surgical techniques are more and more moving towards simplified and minimally invasive protocols, aimed at offering patients more effective and highly predictable solutions with shorter treatment times. In addition, this approach makes treatments better tolerated, faster, with more comfortable postoperative courses and reduced costs.
Implant surgery also aligns with this general trend, and one of the brightest and most impressive examples is the Computer Assisted Surgery, more simply and perhaps improperly called Guided Surgery.

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