Webinar: Soft and Hard Tissue Management
19 November 2018 / Webinar: Soft and Hard Tissue Management / Thessaloniki
19 November 2018 / Webinar: Soft and Hard Tissue Management / Thessaloniki
13-15 November 2018 | DentalExpo. Modern stomatology. Rostov-on-Don.
How to choose right implant system: surgeon vs prosthodontist’s opinion.
How to choose the right implant? How to avoid advertising deception and not to make a mistake? What’s really new in implantology in the last 30 to 40 years?
The physical sense of the Morse tapered connection and its effect on the preservation of peri-implant tissues.
November 9-11, 2018 | An advanced course on soft tissue management and bone augmentation ofdental implants | China
Il Dottor Marco Cernicchi, in collaborazione con C-Tech Implant
Vi invitano alla GIORNATA Di CHIRURGIA | Venerdì 09 novembre 2018
c/o “smile center italia” – Via colledoro, 37/41 – Colleferro (RM) – Tel. 06/9770581
07-09 November 2018 | DentalExpo. Samara
How to choose right implant system: surgeon vs prosthodontist’s opinion.
How to choose the right implant? How to avoid losing reputation and customers with “just cheap and affordable implant”? How not to make a mistake following mythical benefits? What’s new in implantology in the last 30 to 40 years? The physical sense of the Morse tapered connection and its effect on the preservation of peri-implant tissues.
05 November 2018 | Webinar: How to avoid bone resorption?
For whom?
for surgeons, implantologists and prosthodontists, chief physicians and clinic owners who plan to run an additional service to the clinic.
3-4 November 2018/CAIED Annual Meeting, Exhibition/Taipei
November, 01 2018 | Overseas academic in Maldives | Maldives
30 October 01 November 2018 | DentalExpo. St.Petersburg
How to choose right implant system: surgeon vs prosthodontist’s opinion.
How to choose the right implant? How to avoid losing reputation and customers with “just cheap and affordable implant”? How not to make a mistake following mythical benefits? What’s really new in implantology in the last 30 to 40 years? The physical sense of the Morse tapered connection and its effect on the preservation of peri-implant tissues.
29 October 2018 | Webinar | How to maintain the biological width during implantation? 5 main factors.
For whom?
Surgeons, implantologists and prosthodontists, chief physicians and clinic owners who plan to run an additional service to the clinic.
What is this course about?
Do you know for sure how the implant will behave in the oral cavity after implantation? Is the condition of peri-implant tissues important to you?
Commercial and marketing tricks lead to the misunderstanding between two concepts – simple conical and Morse tapered connections. Differences are very important in the doctor’s work and the health of the patient.
Most tend to attribute the success or failure of the treatment to their own experience. However, there are physical causes of problems that provoke bone resorption and gum recession.
Knowing and being able to eliminate these causes is your opportunity to reach a higher level of dental treatment at a lower cost.
28 October 2018/C-TECH LECTURE/Taipei
23-28 Ottobre 2018 / Bucarest (Lingua Italiana)
23-25 October 2018 | Workshop, Kazan (Tatarstan)
Mini-implants: stable denture after just 1 HOUR of treatment and FOREVER!
Seminar will take place in Kazan.
18-20 October 2018 / Stomatological Company of Northern Greece Annual Dental / Ioannina
18-20 October 2018 | Stomatology. Crimea. Simferopol.
How to choose right implant system: surgeon vs prosthodontist’s opinion.
How to choose the right implant? How to avoid losing reputation and customers with “just cheap and affordable implant”? How not to make a mistake following mythical benefits? What’s new in implantology in the last 30 to 40 years? The physical substantiation of the Morse cone and its effect on the preservation of peri-implant tissues.