Webinar | How to choose right implant system: surgeon vs prosthodontist’s opinion.
13 January 2019 | Webinar | Kim A.L. | How to choose right implant system: surgeon vs prosthodontist’s opinion.
Free | From 20:00 to 22:00 Moscow time
13 January 2019 | Webinar | Kim A.L. | How to choose right implant system: surgeon vs prosthodontist’s opinion.
Free | From 20:00 to 22:00 Moscow time
11 January 2019 | SPB INSTOM (Dentistry institute)| Kim A.L. | Advanced course.
PRACTICE will be held in St. Petersburg.
20 December 2018 | Webinar: Mini-implants for the prosthodontist: 3 simple steps in “big” surgery.
Everyone knows that the work of prosthodontist is one of the most important. It is not always possible for a prosthodontist to correctly pick up an implant and satisfy the patient’s wishes. We offer you the ideal option for “problematic” patients who avoid implantation for one reason or another.
10 December 2018 | Webinar: How to maintain the biological width during implantation? 5 main factors.
For whom?
Surgeons, implantologists and prosthodontists, chief physicians and clinic owners who plan to run an additional service to the clinic.
What is this course about?
Do you know for sure how the implant will behave in the oral cavity after implantation? Is the condition of peri-implant tissues important to you?
Commercial and marketing tricks lead to the misunderstanding between two concepts – simple conical and Morse tapered connections. Differences are very important in the doctor’s work and the health of the patient.
Most tend to attribute the success or failure of the treatment to their own experience. However, there are physical causes of problems that provoke bone resorption and gum recession.
Knowing and being able to eliminate these causes is your opportunity to reach a higher level of dental treatment at a lower cost.
December 7-9, 2018 | UCL advanced courses – periodontal + planting: the collision between modern and classic | China
7 December 2018 / Concentrated implantology course for beginners with C-Tech implants / Vilnius
04-06 December 2018 | DentalExpo. Ekaterinburg.
How to choose right implant system: surgeon vs prosthodontist’s opinion.
How to choose the right implant? How to avoid losing reputation and customers with “just cheap and affordable implant”?
How not to make a mistake following mythical benefits? What’s really new in implantology in the last 30 to 40 years? The physical sense of the Morse tapered connection and its effect on the preservation of peri-implant tissues.
30 November 2018- 1,2 December 2018 / Dental prosthesis meeting / Thessaloniki
November 30-December 1 2018 | XIII festive evening | Marriott Warsaw hotel
The workshops will be on the first day. December 1 will be lectures. Doctor Morawiec will have a lecture at 9:30.
C-Tech Implant e la Dottoressa Henriette Lerner hanno il piacere di invitarTi ad una
GIORNATA DI CHIRURGUA GUIDATA che si terrà il 27 Novembre 2018 a Baden Baden in Germania.
La giornata inizierà con intervento dal vivo seguito da una lezione di 3 ore.
Per ulteriori informazioni: C-Tech Implant: sales@c-tech-implant.com | HL-Clinic: academy@hl-dentclinic.de
26 November 2018 | Webinar
How to choose right implant system: surgeon vs prosthodontist’s opinion.
What is this course about?
How to choose the right implant? How to avoid losing reputation and customers with “just cheap and affordable implant”? How not to make a mistake following mythical benefits? What’s really new in implantology in the last 30 to 40 years? The physical sense of the Morse tapered connection and its effect on the preservation of peri-implant tissues.
For whom?
For surgeons, implantologists and prosthodontists, chief doctors and clinic owners who plan to run an additional service to the clinic.
24 November 2018 / New Innovations in Modern Dentistry / Volos
24 November 2018 / MERIMNA WORKSHOP / Volos
23-25 November 2018/XV Congress of Oral Surgeons and Oral Implantologists/Belgrade, Serbia
21-23 November 2018 | DentalExpo. Nizhny Novgorod.
How to choose right implant system: surgeon vs prosthodontist’s opinion.
How to choose the right implant? How to avoid losing reputation and customers with “just cheap and affordable implant”? How not to make a mistake following mythical benefits? What’s really new in implantology in the last 30 to 40 years? The physical sense of the Morse tapered connection and its effect on the preservation of peri-implant tissues.