Tooth Loss
Tooth loss can lead to the following problems in our lives:
1) Movement of teeth into the gap where the loss has occurred.
2) Change of diet: depending on the extent of our tooth loss we tend to avoid certain foods that have become difficult or even embarrassing to eat. This change of diet can mean the loss of foods that we enjoy or are important to the balance of our digestive system.
3) Hesitancy at smiling or laughing in social situations.
4) Bone loss in the jaw: the presence of natural teeth and their use in mastication stimulates the bone around the tooth’s root and this stimulation helps maintain the bone. Almost immediately upon losing teeth there occurs bone loss. Indeed, in many cases up to 25% of the surrounding bone can be lost within the first 5 months of loosing teeth. This bone loss can have a considerable effect on our outward appearance since it is bone and the underlying teeth that help support the skin around our mouths.
Modern dental implant therapy is able to address almost all issues resulting from tooth loss
Once the implants are set and are supporting normal mastication, there will be again the stimulation of the bone surrounding the implant, this stimulation will slow down or halt the process of bone loss.
Once the implant and prosthesis are in place they will hinder the movement of the adjacent teeth into the gap. One can eat in the same manner as one does with a healthy and natural dentition. The teeth feel and function in the same way as natural teeth.
The outward appearance will be the same as one with a healthy and natural dentition.
The proper evaluation of the success of implant therapy should be done by one’s dentist.