Stomatolog / vol.19 – July 2013 – Immediate loading – What is new from the C-TECH implant system?
Stomatolog / vol.19 – July 2013
Immediate loading – What is new from the C-TECH implant system?
Dr. Zoran Lazić sci stom. klinika za stomatologiju VMA, beorad – Dr. Marko Magić stom. privatna ordinacija Dental Clinic Lazić Beograd
The studies of Brånemark and associates from Gothenburg University have laid the foundation of modern implantology on which the immediate loading procedure is based.
Immediate loading means loading procedure immediately after implantation. Use of the concept of immediate loading of dental implants became topical in the last ten years.
Immediate loading presents ability to do the surgical and prosthetic phase in the same day or within few days. Success of the immediate loading procedure largely depends on osseointegration factors: the implant shape and design, bone quantity and quality and surgical procedure.
Primary implant stability: Primary implant stability is the key to successful implant integration regardless of loading protocol. For immediately loaded implants it is especially important to restrict micro movements within the limits of tolerance.
Macro design of implant: Shape of the implant plays a significant role in primary stability. Tapered implants and implants with extended neck provide greater stability than cylindrical implants and as such they have advantage in cases of immediate loading. When using tapered implants precise bone preparation is demanded for achieving accurate apico-coronal position of the implant.
Micro design of implant: Effect of the implant surface in bone healing process is reflected as the limit of tolerance for loading is higher in textured implant surface than in smooth, machined surface.
Effect of the bone on implant stability – Bone height: The Implant must be surrounded with at least one millimeter of the cortical bone, and in frontal region of maxilla where high esthetics are demanded this thickness should be at least two millimeters.
C-TECH implant system
Use of the immediate loading procedure has become the standard in everyday implant rehabilitation. Within the C-TECH implant system, Esthetic Line (EL) is specially designed for immediate procedures. Its goal is achieving as high as possible primary implant stability and it satisfies the highest implantation demands in esthetic region.
Case report
Female patient (age 48 years) was admitted for rehabilitation of completely toothless upper jaw. After clinical and radiographic analysis it was noticed that the floor of maxillary sinus is lowered and that implantation is impossible in posterior regions of maxilla.
This case report shows how it is possible to solve completely toothless maxilla and immediately load implants if indications were appointed correctly. All immediate loading principals were followed, and special attention has been paid to alveolar ridge structure, selection of the implants, mechanical forces affecting the implant and also to surgical procedure and number of placed implants. C-TECH Esthetic Line implants combined with PEEK abutments showed great success in this complicated case of immediate loading.
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