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Slide Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

School of Dental Medicine University of Belgrade, Serbia – November 2015 – Clinical outcomes following horizontal ridge augmentation with bone block grafts

School of Dental Medicine University of Belgrade, Serbia • November 2015

Clinical outcomes following horizontal ridge augmentation with bone block grafts

Assoc Prof Dr Snezana Colic (School of Dental Medicine University of Belgrade, Serbia)

The aim of this study was to analyze clinical outcome of horizontal augmentation with autologous bone block grafts for the reconstruction of narrow edentulous ridge before implant placement. Eighteen partially edentulous patients, presenting insufficient bone width (less than 4mm) in the sites for implant placement were selected.
One or multiple cylindrical block grafts were harvested with trephine burrs from retromolar region and stabilized with titanium miniscrews. Fixed grafts were covered with deproteinised bovine bone mineral granules (DBBM) and collagen membrane (CM). The average amount of bone gain was 3,6 mm. One of the 24 block grafts was lost during the early healing period. Five months later, during the re-entry for implants placement, the gain of ridge width obtained were measured. All implants were placed in correct position and considered successfully integrated during the observation period. Three month after the implant placement prosthetic rehabilitation was started.
The mean follow up after prosthetic load has been 25,4 months.

This technique is reliable means for the correction of narrow edentulous ridge. Close contact between the bone graft and recipient bed surface ensure fast and intense vascularization and subsequent osseointegration of the graft. Adding bovine bone mineral and collagen membrane over bone block minimize resorption during healing.
In all cases all planned implants could be placed in the correct positions.
The mean duration of follow up of the implants was 25,4 months. Prosthodontics rehabilitation involved single crowns or bridges.
Not a single implant was lost during the observation period. All implants were successful both aesthetically and functionally.



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