Mini implants: social indication or therapy of choice?
Magazine PIP • Practical implantology and implant prosthetics • May 2021
Mini implants: social indication or therapy of choice?
Dr. med. dent. Arndt Christian Höhne
The real advantages of mini implants
For years the mini-implants has led a shadowy existence: despite being widespread and well-accepted in practice, the skepticism of recognized experts has been correspondingly high. Dr. med. dent. Arndt Christian Höhne tried to clarify this divisive topic in an interview with PIP magazine, explaining that mini-implants can be used in a very diverse range, with the main area of application that still consists in the stabilization of full dentures in the upper and lower jaw, be it as a full restoration or by increasing the abutment.
Speaking from his direct experience in the field, he claimed that the unique and especially great advantage about the mini implants concept is the storage on rubber rings instead of the usual ball head on metal – i.e. metal on metal. The concept is compatible with all directions of insertion – whether via telescopes, clamps or attachments – and the different retention inserts can compensate for up to 30 degrees.
In conclusion, Dr. med. dent. Höhne explained that this concept is attractive for both the patient and the practitioner in more than one aspect: on the patients’ side, they experience complete rehabilitation for the price of one or two conventional implants, depending on the region; on the dentists’ side, this concept is comparatively easy to learn with basic surgical knowledge, has a high learning curve and – including the subsequent six-month recall for cleaning, maintenance and renewal of the rubber rings -it is an absolute win-win situation for the patient in economic terms and practice.
Click here to read the full original interview in German on the PIP magazine website