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Slide Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

International Journal of Implant Dentistry – August 2017 – Investigation of peri-implant tissue conditions and peri-implant tissue stability in implants placed with simultaneous augmentation procedure: a 3-year retrospective follow-up analysis of a newly developed bone level implant system

International Journal of Implant Dentistry • August 2017

Investigation of peri-implant tissue conditions and peri-implant tissue stability in implants placed with simultaneous augmentation procedure: a 3-year retrospective follow-up analysis of a newly developed bone level implant system

Jonas Lorenz University Hospital Frankfurt · Department of oral, maxillofacial and plastic surgery, Henriette Lerner HL DENTCLINIC, Robert A. Sader Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main · Center of Stomatology
and Shahram Ghanaati Goethe University of Frankfurt/Main; Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz · Department for Oral, Craniomaxillofacial and Facial Plastic Surgery; Institute of Pathology

The aim of the present retrospective analysis was to assess peri-implant tissue conditions and document peri-implant tissue stability in C-Tech implants when placed simultaneously with a GBR (Guided Bone Regeneration) augmentation procedure.

A total of 47 implants, which were placed simultaneously with a GBR (Guided Bone Regeneration) procedure with a synthetic bone substitute material in 20 patients, were investigated clinically and radiologically at least 3 years after loading.

The follow-up investigation revealed a survival rate of 100% and only low median rates for probing depths (2.7 mm) and BOP (bleeding on probing) (30%). The mean PES (Pink Esthetic Score) was 10.1 from the maximum value of 14.
No osseous peri-implant defects were obvious, and the mean bone loss was 0.55 mm.

In conclusion, implants placed in combination with a GBR (Guided Bone Regeneration) procedure can achieve long-term stable functionally and esthetically satisfying results for replacing missing teeth in cases of atrophy of the alveolar crest.



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