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Slide Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

Implant Practice – February 2009 Volume 2 Number 1 – Minimal invasive implantology with small diameter implants

Implant Practice • February 2009 Volume 2 Number 1

Minimal invasive implantology with small diameter implants

Henriette Lerner

What are mini implants?

The highest target in our profession is the fulfilment of patient wishes. The greatest wish of our patient is always the fast, painless replacement of their missing teeth or stabilisation of the prosthesis. A fast, stable and esthetic reconstruction of the patient’s dento-facial system is the main goal of every dentist.

At the time, immediate loading was not an issue, the mini implants were used for the stabilisation of a provisional construction for the time necessary for the osseointegration of the conventional implants. Those mini implants were 1.8mm to 3.3mm in diameter. This implant was also developed with a small ball on the top of it that could be incorporated as a snap for a denture, or to secure a temporary bridge. To uncover the standard implants, it was found that around 50% of the mini implants had actually integrated or bonded to the bone. In order to increase the rate of success, the implant design was improved in to follow the rules of osseointegration and the insertion protocol was changed to give the implants the primary stability necessary for immediate occlusal loading.

Indication for insertion

The general indication for the placement of narrow diameter implants,ridges which, through resorption, become inadequate for placement of standard diameter implants: buco-lingually <5mm, mesiodistally <5mm or both.

The absolute indication will be completed in these cases where the patient does not want an augmentative bone reconstruction or is not indicated from the medical point of view.
a) Edentulous arches The indication for the lower jaw is a 1.8-2.1mm diameter implant. For the insertion of an implant with a diameter of 1.8-2.1mm we need 10mm bone height and 3mm bone width. For the upper jaw the recommended implant is 2.4mm diameter. 4mm bone width and 10mm bone height will be needed.
b) Single tooth restoration The second indication is the insertion of a mini implant in a small gap, in order to replace a front tooth or a premolar, in situations where the standard diameter implant is contraindicated or not possible. A small gap of mesio distal dimension of 5 mm can be replaced with an implant of 2.4mm and a crown if the esthetical considerations will be adequate.


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