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Slide Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

EL Clinical Study – September 2014 – Innovative dental implant design shows improved success rate, bone stability and esthetic benefits

EL Clinical Study • September 2014

Innovative dental implant design shows
improved success rate, bone stability and esthetic benefits

A retrospective study over 3 years including 2-year follow-up Henriette Lerner, DMD Director of HL Dentclinic (private practice focussed on implantology)

The aim of this research is to retrospectively evaluate an innovative implant and prosthetical design by applying the following criteria:
1. implant success rate,
2. bone loss and stability of bone level at the collar of the implant (The Morse tapered conical connection is proven to be the most stable connection at the present time. Therefore, some implant systems have already started to implement it, and they have proved the stability of the bone level using this connection (Bicon, Ankylos),
3. esthetics in terms of pink esthetic score,
4. thickness of the gingiva at 3 mm from the free gingival margin,
5. width of the keratinized gingiva around implants,
6. height of the gingiva around the implants

The study is comprised of the data of 137 patients with 608 implants (C-Tech, Bologna, Italy).

Results: Only two implants were lost (after 6 months), both relating to a single patient. The success rate for those included in the 6-months, 12-months, 18-months and 24-months was 100 percent. Bone loss was not found in any participant of the study. The soft tissue scores indicated a highly esthetic result.

Conclusion: The implant system employed in the present study showed high success rates both for the stability in situ and for the esthetic aspects. Therefore, within the scope of the data collected it may be recommended for use in the population at large.



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