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Slide Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

DZZ | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift – September 2015 – Stabilization of removable partial dentures using mini-implants – 2 case reports

DZZ | Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift • September 2015

Stabilization of removable partial dentures using mini-implants – 2 case reports

Prof. Dr. Torsten Mundt Center for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Greifswald
Polyclinic for dental prosthetics and materials science
University Medical Center, Christian Lucas, Reiner Biffar University of Greifswald · Department of Prosthodontics, Geriatric Dentistry and Medical Materials Science, Friedhelm Heinemann University of Greifswald · Department of Prosthodontics, Geriatric Dentistry and Medical Materials Science

Why should you read this article?
This case report is a guide, how mini-implants can be used as strategic abutments for the stabilization of removable partial dentures and for the support of the remaining teeth.

Introduction: The use of conventional dental implants as strategic abutments for existing removable partial dentures is expensive and requires a sufficient alveolar ridge width. The one-piece mini dental implants (< 2.8 mm) provide an alternative treatment option for this indication.

Treatment method: A therapy scheme for strategic mini dental implants (MDI, 3M ESPE Dental GmbH, Seefeld, Germany) includes 3 abutments (teeth + implants) per maxillary quadrant and 2 abutments per mandibular quadrant.

Results: In the first case report, a female patient lost one of her 2 mandibular canine conical crown abutments. Subsequently, 2 mini dental implants were inserted with sufficient primary stability (insertion torque > 35 Ncm) and were immediately loaded with the matrices by using intraoral polymerisation.
The second female patient had 2 remaining molars. After the placement of 4 MDIs (insertion torque 20–25 Ncm), the removable partial denture, which is retained by conical crowns, was relined using a soft material. Four months later, the matrices were polymerized into the denture in the dental laboratory across impression.

Conclusion: Supplementary strategic abutments using mini dental implants requires following the recommendations for the number and location of MDIs, load approach, anatomical knowledge, surgical experience especially in dealing with the jawbone, and sufficient prosthetic experience.



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