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Slide Pubblicazioni Scientifiche

A one year follow up examining bone level preservation utilising platform switching implants – Ningxia Med J Dec. 2017

Ningxia Med J, Dec. 2017, Vol 39, No. 12

A one year follow up examining bone level preservation utilising platform switching implants

Jianlin Chen, Yuanjie Cao, Lili Shan, Yan Li, Li Ma, Na Wang, Xiuyu Wu Author’s
Unit: Department of Stomatology, Lingwu People’s Hospital, Ningxia


Objective The aim of this research is to observe and evaluate the clinical application of the Esthetic Line [EL] implant system (C-Tech, Bologna, Italy). The EL implant has a surface topography created by sandblasting and acid etching (SLA) and a Morse locking conical connection.

Methods 35 patients with one or more missing teeth were selected and a total of 60 EL implants were placed using either a one stage (non-submerged) placement protocol or a two stage (submerged) protocol. Where applicable, second stage surgery was undertaken 2 ~ 4 months post implantation. Subsequent to this the EL implants were permanently restored over a period of 2 ~ 4 weeks. Clinical examination and imaging analysis were undertaken to evaluate clinical success.

Results All 60 implants osseointegrated successfully, and at the one year follow up there was a 100% retention rate and no adverse reactions in the host. Mesial and distal bone heights were recorded on the day of surgery as well as at the fitting of the permanent restoration and after the implants had been functionally loaded for 12 months. Mesial bone heights were (0. 35 ± 0. 49) mm, (0. 18 ± 0. 44) mm and (0. 25 ± 0. 36) mm respectively. Distal bone heights were (0. 20 ± 0. 42) mm, (0. 08 ± 0. 45) mm and (0. 15 ± 0. 38) mm. In the first year of implant functional load, the total absorption of the mesial bone was (- 0. 11 ± 0. 38) mm and the distance was (- 0. 07 ± 0. 31) mm; There was no significant difference in blood indexes between the preoperative and postoperative three months (P < 0. 05).

Conclusion The design of the EL implant incorporating a combination of a parallel walled section with an apical taper, a beveled shoulder, platform switching, a Morse locking conical connection combined with an SLA treated surface and a sophisticated double threaded morphological design all contribute to successful treatment.

Key words Italy; C – Tech Esthetic Line [EL] implant; implant design; surface treatment; Morse-locking.

In recent years, the evolution of implant techniques combined with developments in implant design and restorative techniques has resulted in greater acceptance of implant treatment by the majority of patients. The Stomatology department of our hospital has adopted the Esthetic Line [EL] implant system (C-Tech, Bologna, Italy) for use in our clinic. A study into the clinical results of 60 EL implants placed in 35 patients was undertaken.  


To sum up, the innovative design of the Esthetic Line implant with its sequential thread design, micro-threads to preserve bone at the collar, sophisticated self-cutting and double lead threading preserves bone structure and increases bone to implant contact. This is combined with a SLA surface treatment, a combination of a bevelled shoulder with a platform switching design and a Morse locking conical connection to make it safe and effective in clinical application. The limitation of this study is that the number of cases included is relatively small, only 30 implants of 35 patients were followed up for 12 months. More accurate clinical effect requires more long-term retrospective and prospective clinical observation and research on larger sample size.


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