Theoretical-Practical Course on Patients | 1st Level Implant Surgery | Palermo, Sicily
28 settembre – 2 ottobre 2021 | Palermo – Sicily
STUDIO MEDICO | Centro medico Mediterraneo | Via Consolare 48/C, Santa Flavia
L’HOTEL | Il Borgo di Ciaula via Roma 113 Porticello
Speakers: Dott. Gabriele Matera / Dott. Fabio Lo Meo
• Arrival at Palermo Airport on September 28th and transfer to the hotel at our expense
• Sept. 29th: Theory day at the hotel
• Sept. 30th-Oct 1st: surgery on patients at the dental office
• Oct 2: departure from Palermo
The aim of the course is to develop and deepen the theoretical and, above all, practical knowledge of first level surgical and implant techniques. It is aimed both at young dentists who want to approach this sector of dentistry and a path of growth in various stages, and at already experienced doctors who want to perfect and refine their techniques.
The exercises can cover the following topics: • Implant placement • Suturing techniques • Mobilization of the flap • Post extraction implant placement • Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) • Mini maxillary sinus lift
The presence of tutors with experience acquired in numerous international training courses, offers students a high standard course to guarantee safe driving during all phases.
Professional in Naples, with activities dedicated to prosthetic dentistry with particular interest in periodontology, implantology, regenerative surgery and mucogingival surgery. He graduated in medicine and surgery at the second university of Naples where he attended the maxillofacial surgery department.
He participates as a teacher in courses of basic, advanced implantology and tissue regeneration.
He participated in numerous courses and internships in Italy and abroad including:
– Advanced course of guided bone regeneration
– Course “Aesthetic mucogingival therapy” with Dr. P. Cortellini
– Course “Regeneration of periodontal tissues”
– Piezoelectric surgery course with dr. T. Vercellotti
– Annual course of periodontology and implantology directed by Dr. G. Carusi
– Practical course of surgery of the jaws at hosp. United of Ancona
– Course “Advanced Regenerative and Implant Therapies” prof. Paul Fugazzotto (October 26-30, 2009 Boston USA).
External consultant in various studios where he is dedicated exclusively to implant and periodontal surgery with both traditional and advanced bone regeneration techniques.
He graduated in dentistry and dental prosthetics at the University of Palermo with 110 cum laude.
He attended the maxillofacial surgery department of prof. Frank Palm in Cologne (DDR), for the improvement in advanced bone regeneration techniques.
He attended the department of prof. Sten Isaksson, tutored by Dr. Jonas Becktor in Halmstad (Sweden), specializing in advanced implant surgery techniques.
In addition, he has participated and actively participates in numerous congresses and advanced courses, in Italy and abroad, in particular in the fields of Oral Surgery, Periodontal and Implant Surgery, Bone Regeneration and Aesthetic Gingival Surgery. He obtained the special qualification for implant surgery protocols, following training courses with Dr. Denis Cecchinato. He has participated in advanced courses with Dr. Tiziano Tealdo as part of immediate loading post-extraction implant-prosthetic protocols.
External consultant in various studios where he is dedicated exclusively to implant and periodontal surgery with both traditional and advanced bone regeneration techniques.